Comprehension Monitoring

Accomplish Reading: Comprehension Monitoring 

Comprehension Monitoring Improves Reading Comprehension

      • When readers monitor their comprehension, they  are aware that incoming information makes sense and that it is getting stored in  memory.  This metacognitive reading skill improves reading comprehension.

Research: “Activating Children’s Metacognitive Reading Processes.”

    • Jane Offutt conducted a double-blind study comparing ACCOMPLISH READING’S innovative methods to traditional reading training methods.
    • The ACCOMPLISH READING group did significantly better on measures of comprehension monitoring. 
    • The ACCOMPLISH READING group also did significantly better  on a standardized test of reading comprehension compared to the control group
      • “Successful student readers intuitively monitor their comprehension. However, some who struggle with reading either might not recognize a breakdown in their comprehension or else might not know how to fix it when it does occur.”
      • Furthermore, “it is not effective to merely tell students to monitor their reading comprehension. Rather, students need to be taught how to monitor their comprehension. This requires explicit instruction with sufficient modeling and guided practice. ”  Iris Center – “Monitor Comprehension” –

Jane Offutt at LinkedIn:

   Ideal for  family or classroom use.

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