Testimonials – Accomplish Reading
My son did not really learn how to read well in 1st grade. In 4th grade, he worked with Jane and the ACCOMPLISH READING® program. Since then, he experienced success in school and now he has two advanced degrees.
Diane V.
ACCOMPLISH READING® helped my 8th grade son a lot. He paid close attention to all the questions and enjoyed working through the program. It’s been the best app for improving his reading comprehension.
Pat C.
Both my sons worked with Jane and the ACCOMPLISH READING® program when they were in 5th grade. Both are now parents and successful in their careers.
Eve W
My students love using ACCOMPLISH READING® . They work on it independently while I am helping other students. It is one of the best apps for reading comprehension improvement.
Lynn R.
“As a former classroom teacher and now reading tutor, ACCOMPLISH READING® is one of the best apps for improving reading comprehension. Students who use ACCOMPLISH READING® find it highly engaging. Also, they talk about how it helps them pay better attention.
Joan H.
This wonderful program keeps my 6th grade students on task. The reading exercises are engaging and they keep students interested and working independently. They are proud to show me their scores after completing ACCOMPLISH READING®. David K.
Go to Educational App store for additional teacher testimonials https://www.educationalappstore.com/app/accomplish-reading
The paragraphs in ACCOMPLISH READING® program were very interesting. I mostly read fiction before but now I also like to read science and social studies information.
Natalie, 4th grader
I used ACCOMPLISH READING® during a summer reading program. It is one of the best apps for improving my reading comprehension and I did better in 5th grade.
Will S.
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